NC*SA Meeting Tonight! Topic: Embedded Linux

ncsa-announce at ncsa-announce at
Mon Jan 9 09:52:03 EST 2006

The next meeting of the North Carolina System Administrators
organization (NC*SA) is tonight, Monday, January 9th, 2006.  Details about
the meeting are provided in this note.  We hope to see you there!

                    NC*SA General Meeting
               7:00 pm Monday, January 9, 2005
                      MCNC, Building #3
                  Research Triangle Park, NC

       *** Note that meetings are no longer held at RTI ***

Topic: Embedded Linux
Speaker: Mr. Tom Billman, Giant Shoulder, Inc.

Sponsors:  MCNC -
           TriLUG -



      This seminar provides a glimpse into open-source embedded Linux
development and its application on the NSLU2-Linux project. An overview of
many open-source embedded Linux projects and tool sets will be provided. A
detailed look into the NSLU2-Linux project, its hardware, and community
conveys a real-life example of the process and people. Mr. Billman will
also demonstrate the ``de-bricking'' process on an embedded device with
the use of JTAG.


      Tom Billman is the owner and founder of Giant Shoulder, Inc., a
North Carolina based embedded Linux distribution corporation. Tom is a
founder and core developer of the open-source NSLU2-Linux project. He has
transitioned to full-time open-source embedded development during the past
few years after nearly 20 years of closed source systems and embedded
development. Prior experience includes deployment of critical networking
infrastructure such as digital cellular phone networks and network
monitoring equipment.

Mr. Billman holds a B.S. Degree in Computer Science from Shippensburg
University with an emphasis in systems programming.


Our meetings are free and open to anyone with an interest in the topic
of the evening and/or system administration.  We will be providing food
and drink for the evening. If you have any questions please contact the
Steering Committee at:

  ncsa-steer at


Directions to the meeting are available on the web at

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