[NCSA] NC*SA Meeting - Monday, December 11th, 2006 - Server Hardening for Real Sysadmins

ncsa-announce at ncsysadmin.org ncsa-announce at ncsysadmin.org
Fri Dec 8 13:07:49 EST 2006

The next meeting of the North Carolina System Administrators
organization (NC*SA) is Monday, December 11th, 2006. Details
about the meeting are provided in this note.  We hope to see you there!

                     NC*SA General Meeting
               7:00 pm Monday, December 11, 2006
                        Location: TBA
                           RTP, NC

Topic: Server Hardening for Real Sysadmins

Speaker:  Jeff Mercer - Northrup Grumman

NCSA Sponsors:  EqualLogic - http://www.equallogic.com
                MCNC - http://www.mcnc.org
                TriLUG - http://www.trilug.org

*** Important ***

Please note that we have not finalized a location for this month.  Watch
for Monday's announcement for the location.



   Yes, Virginia, there is a December meeting this month!  Our own Jeff
Mercer will lead an informal discussion on server hardening, with
explanations on what it is, why it's a good idea and how to do it.  Bring
your questions, opinions, and your own experiences.  Big names in the
industry lately have been saying encrypting everything is the answer.  Is
that the way forward, or just another silver bullet?


Jeff Mercer is a long-time computing professional who cut his teeth on
TRS-80 BASIC as a kid. He has done IT security and Unix Systems
Administration work for over 10 years for Academia, private sector and
the Federal government. He loves fiddling with computers, teaching
fundamental security concepts and disarming people with wackiness.


Our meetings are free and open to anyone with an interest in the topic
of the evening and/or system administration.  We will be providing food
and drink for the evening. If you have any questions please contact the
Steering Committee at:

 ncsa-steer at ncsysadmin.org


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