to boot or not to boot (Solaris)

Kurt Werth
Tue, 01 Oct 2002 13:24:27 -0400

solaris can handle multiple virtual addresses per interface. why not leave 
the box online and, when you need it to emulate your production box, create 
a virtual interface using the production box IP. Shutdown the virtual 
interface when the real box is back online.


> "Bryan C. Andregg" wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 12:44:39PM -0400, Lisa Lorenzin mailed:
> > SO - what's the best state to keep this box in while it's offline?
> > Which would you recommend, and why?  Is there a better alternative that I
> > haven't thought of yet?
> Is there a reason not to keep it on, on-line, and the interfaces configured
> with a different IP address?
> We used to do this in the Linux world a lot with scripts to check for the
> other server and automatically aquire the main IP if the primary server was
> unresponsive and similar scripts on the primary machine so that when it
> resumed operation it wouldn't run over the backup.
> --
>   Bryan C. Andregg
>   gpg  1024D/24BF71A9   D862 18C1 0B31 E09E 1180  D8DC 8FDA 4497 24BF 71A9