Reminder - posting is restricted to subscribers

Lisa Lorenzin
Tue, 6 May 2003 10:56:20 -0400 (EDT)

Hi folks!

I just got back from a week out of town and found that majordomo had held
several posts (in the VPN thread) because the sender address wasn't
subscribed to the mailing list.  I've contacted the people involved, but I
figured it might be worth sending a general reminder to the list, as

The ncsa-discussion list is configured to only accept posts from
subscribers.  This is a Good Thing(tm) - it means that the dozen or so
spams a week that are sent to the list only have to be cleaned out of
mailman's held queue, not out of all of your inboxes.  However, it does
also mean that if you're trying to post from an email address that doesn't
EXACTLY MATCH the subscribe address, mailman will hold your post, too.

(Just so you know, my standard practice with held posts is to return them
to the sender with instructions on how to fix the problem - I'm a firm 
believer in teaching people to fish. ;)  If you feel that's unreasonable, 
I'm open to discussing it - off-list, please.)

So - if you send a post and notice that it doesn't go out to the list
within a few hours, you might want to check for an address mismatch.  If
you read mail at one address, but want to be able to post from multiple
addresses, you can do that, too: just go and subscribe
your secondary (posting-only) addresses to the list, then set them to not
receive mail from the list.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled technical discussions... :)



Lisa Lorenzin