setting up a local outbound mailserver at home for dialup

Joseph Mack NA3T jmack at
Thu Nov 20 09:28:10 EST 2003

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003, Joseph Moran wrote:

> This authentication issue, does it only occur when you use a web browser /
> mail client kit?

it occurs on the first time with a web browser, but I don't know if it's
"only" with a browser

> Or does SMTP outbound refuse to work for -any- SMTP transaction,
> regardless of client, until this HTTP authentication has succeeded? In
> other words, on a fresh morning, no authentication since the last
> timeout, you fire up Mutt or Pine to send a message out through your
> ISP's MTA.  Does it fail?

not sure - I don't run pine/mutt at home, since I pick up all
my mail through a shell account on an outside machine. For outbound I used
to use `mail`. When it started failing I don't know, since I changed ISPs
and the main target machine for my mail added the reverse DNS checking
about the same time.

if I use

$ mail

and send something by hand, I get the reverse DNS error at the target
machine, meaning that it bypassed the ISPs username/passwd step.

However I don't remember whether everytime I've done that whether I've
previously sent mail with a webbrowser. I've spent a bit of time sending
mail to find what worked and didn't work.  I expect I started out with
`mail` getting the reverse DNS errors, and then moved to netscape, where I
got the username/passwd prompt.

so the answer is "probably" (sorry)


Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
mailto:jmack at - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at
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