Fwd: Local Area Users Group Area at Mind Your Business Event

Joseph Mack mack.joseph at epa.gov
Mon Nov 15 14:04:38 EST 2004

Jim Ray wrote:
> We've got a booth set up.  Come see.

I went for a look.

The main hall was filled with glossy presenation booths from well known
entities (Sun, Oracle, Microsoft) manned by coiffed and tanned men and 
women with lots of lipstick. I assume at the next conference these 
same people are selling time shares at resorts and then they
go onto the car show. I can only guess that they're there to hand
out promotional material about the companies they represent to 
people who live under rocks and who haven't heard of them.

After 4 passes of the hall and not finding the NCSA or TriLUG booth,
I gave up and asked at registration. The user's groups were in a back
room all together well away from the sales people. One of the people
at the TriLUG booth said that things were slow. 

>From looking at name tags, I was the only non-exhibitor there. 

I'm not sure what the point of these shows is.


Joseph Mack PhD, High Performance Computing & Scientific Visualization
LMIT, Supporting the EPA Research Triangle Park, NC 919-541-0007
Federal Contact - John B. Smith 919-541-1087 - smith.johnb at epa.gov

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