db2, Solaris and Veritas cluster expertise needed

Jeff The Riffer riffer at vaxer.net
Fri Apr 8 22:21:35 EDT 2005

On Fri, 8 Apr 2005, Jim Ray wrote:
>i'm glad others are using LinkedIn.

It's pretty kick-ass as far as I'm concerned. Good privacy controls,
easy-to-use, and it's structured so as to function on many different levels,
not just MLM crap or a resume bank.

>particular expertise appears to be a rare bird.

Dude, DB2. Solaris. It's like being an expert in making french toast using
quail eggs and sea cow milk.

>however, i did hook up with a company that appears capable and has 400
>working installations and multiple offices.  so, help is on the way...


 ####################==============---- ----==============####################
#     riffer at vaxer.net - Jeff The Riffer - Drifter... - Homo Postmortemus     #
# Disclaimer: I am not a number, I am a free man, and my thoughts are my own. #
# GCS$ d-- H++ s:++ !g p+ au0 a34 w+ v?(*) C++ UA P? L 3 E---- N++ K- W-- M+ V#
# po--- Y+ t+ 5+ !j R G' tv b+ D++ B--- e+ u--- h--- f+ r+++ n- y+++*         #

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