Jeff The Riffer riffer at
Thu Apr 28 11:18:36 EDT 2005

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, A. Michael Salim wrote:
> In my experience CERT has been late on reporting vulnerabilities
> especially Windows and Linux for years, this is not new.  CERT is a good
> archive but I have not relied on CERT for "first nitifications".

Nitification? Is that like when someone informs you that have a nit to
pick? :)

I've found that Securina is pretty good about getting notices out the
door, and they certainly don't hold back on volume. That might be a bad
thing for some folks.

Oracle's notices are pretty prompt. And Sun does a good weekly summary.

MS... Well... They USED to do ok, but now they're making it just less and
less useful...

 ####################==============---- ----==============####################
#     riffer at - Jeff The Riffer - Drifter... - Homo Postmortemus     #
# Disclaimer: I am not a number, I am a free man, and my thoughts are my own. #
# GCS$ d-- H++ s:++ !g p+ au0 a31 w+ v?(*) C++ UA P? L 3 E---- N++ K- W-- M+ V#
# po--- Y+ t+ 5+ !j R G' tv b+ D++ B--- e+ u--- h--- f+ r+++ n- y+++*         #

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