[NCSA-discuss] Meetings Survey

Jeff The Riffer riffer at vaxer.net
Tue May 30 14:21:15 EDT 2006

Howdy folks! I apologize if you get this message twice, I used the wrong
address the first time I sent it.

We're doing something a bit new here-- A survey to get input from members
about meeting times and locations. This is sort of a trial-run for us, we may
do additional surveys in the future depending on the amount of responses we

Here is the survey link:


And please do let me know if there's any issues accessing the survey, or if
anything about it is confusing. Thanks!

Oh, and as usual, any changes to NC*SA policies and meetings must go through
approval of the Steering Committee. We're just looking for input right now, :)

 ####################==============---- ----==============####################
#     riffer at vaxer.net - Jeff The Riffer - Drifter... - Homo Postmortemus     #
# Disclaimer: I am not a number, I am a free man, and my thoughts are my own. #
# GCS$ d-- H++ s:++ !g p+ au0 a31 w+ v?(*) C++ UA P? L 3 E---- N++ K- W-- M+ V#
# po--- Y+ t+ 5+ !j R G' tv b+ D++ B--- e+ u--- h--- f+ r+++ n- y+++*         #

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