[NCSA-discuss] NC*SA Meeting (Monday Feb 12) Introduction and Demonstration of LEO

Liyun Yu yu at radonc.unc.edu
Thu Feb 8 08:43:17 EST 2007

The next meeting of the North Carolina System Administrators
organization (NC*SA) is Tonight, Monday, February 12th, 2007. Details
about the meeting are provided in this note.  We hope to see you there!

                    NC*SA General Meeting
              7:00 pm Monday, February 12, 2007
                Location: MCNC, Building #3
                         Durham, NC

Topic: Introduction and Demonstration of LEO
Speaker: Stephen P. Shaefer
NCSA Sponsors:  EqualLogic - http://www.equallogic.com
               MCNC - http://www.mcnc.org
               TriLUG - http://www.trilug.org


The evening will be an introduction and demonstration of Leo,
_L_iterate _E_diting with _O_utlines.  Leo allows one to transform the
narrative method of Literate Programming by replacing the narrative with
an extended outline - but an outline extended to support directed
acyclic graphs, which enables the author to provide multiple views into
the same data.  Leo is thus most useful for system administration duties
that involve understanding or composing a mostly static collection of
complex data, such as an application configuration files, the source
code to a program, a network layout, or a project plan.

Most of the presentation will consist of a live walk-through of:
creating an outline, generating files from an outline; Leo's interaction
with files; documenting a program with Leo; and how Leo supports one
approach to host configuration management.  According to audience
interest, we may also look at the process of installing Leo, at
documenting network topologies, or at some of Leo's extensions.



Stephen P. Schaefer works as a system administrator for RFMD, Inc.,
and has had significant success maintaining multiple sites and multiple
platforms using automated host configuration.


Our meetings are free and open to anyone with an interest in the topic
of the evening and/or system administration.  We will be providing
food and drink for the evening.  If you have any questions please
contact the Steering Committee at:

ncsa-steer at ncsysadmin.org


Directions to the meeting are available on the web at
ncsa-announce mailing list
ncsa-announce at ncsysadmin.org

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