[NCSA-discuss] DC919 - 7pm 11/19 - CryptoParty! - RSVP requested

Lisa Lorenzin lorenzin at 1000plus.com
Tue Nov 6 21:58:23 EST 2012


passing this along for any sysadmins interested in using free crypto tools 
to increase your data and communications security...



Who: DC919
What: CryptoParty!
Where: SplatSpace - 331 W Main St, Suite 002, Durham, NC
When: 7pm on Monday, November 19th
Why: Crypto! Pizza! More crypto!

DC919 extends an open invitation to the community to join us for a 
pre-Thanksgiving CryptoParty! http://www.dc919.org/events.html#1211 
CryptoParty is "a grassroots global endeavour to introduce the basics of 
practical cryptography such as the Tor anonymity network, public key 
encryption (PGP/GPG), TrueCrypt, and virtual private networks to the 
general public." ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CryptoParty ) Want to 
learn more? Check out this overview of its genesis & history: 
http://www.scmagazine.com.au/News/314275,cryptoparty-goes-viral.aspx , or 
watch a short (4min) introductory video: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=RlfqseMVOmc - 
there's even a handbook! http://www.hostb.org/97/download

This is a free hands-on activity; we'll be crowd-sourcing pizza, so please 
bring cash to contribute to the pizza fund!  Let us know in advance if you 
have any food restrictions.

At our CryptoParty, DC919 members will talk about how we use:
   * TrueCrypt: http://www.truecrypt.org/ for data storage encryption
   * TextSecure: http://www.whispersys.com/ (at bottom of page) for 
encrypted SMS
   * HTTPS Everywhere: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere for secure 
   * GPG: http://gnupg.org/ for on-the-fly encryption
   * SSH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell (such as PuTTY: 
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ ), SSH keys, and SSH 
tunnels for secure connectivity
in our daily lives. Bring your laptops / tablets / smartphones, and we'll 
help you get set up to use these tools, too!

Do you use a crypto tool not listed here? Show up and teach us how it 
works! (And let us know at info at dc919.org so we can add it to this 

Young crypto enthusiasts are welcome if accompanied by an adult! 
Unfortunately, we can't accommodate unattended minors. :(

The CryptoParty will start at 7pm on November 19, 2012 at Splat Space in 
Durham (directions & parking info). Please RSVP to info at dc919.org if you 
plan to attend, so we know how much pizza to order!

About DC919:
DC919 ( http://www.dc919.org ) is a newly-formed local DEF CON group ( 
http://www.defcon.org/html/defcon-groups/dc-groups.html ) for the greater 
Triangle area - professionals, students, and hobbyists with interest in 
alternative applications of modern technology, security, and privacy 
topics.  We meet at 7pm on the third Monday of each month; join our 
mailing list dc919 at lists.dc919.org ; follow us on Twitter @_dc919_ ; find 
us on the web at http://www.dc919.org/ .

lisa lorenzin  |  lorenzin at 1000plus.com 
of what avail is an open eye if the heart is blind? - solomon ibn gavirol

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