[NCSA-discuss] PYPTUG

Francois Dion francois.dion at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 12:34:24 EDT 2012


Just wanted to mention that there is now a Python user group for the
Piedmont Triad. It is called PYPTUG (pronounce "pipe tug"), PYthon,
Piedmont Triad User Group. We are based in Winston-Salem, but we
currently have members from Salisbury to Mount Airy and from
Clemmonsville to Chapel Hill.

The blog is at: http://pyptug.blogspot.com

The mailing list / google group is here:

We are working on two different workshops right now, one called PyHack
Workshop, for hacking cool stuff with Python (hardware and software).
There is already a lot of interest for this workshop. The location and
dates will be announced really soon. And the other will be sysPython
Workshop, for operations, automation, administrators, integrators,
developpers. Neither will require being fluent in Python, so dont
worry if you have never written a line of Python code before.

Let me know if you have any questions.


pyptug.blogspot.com  -  raspberry-python.blogspot.com

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