[TriLUG] Digital camera recommendations

Lisa Lorenzin lorenzin at 1000plus.com
Wed Nov 21 12:38:01 EST 2001

one thing to consider is getting an external usb device to read the camera
media, which gives you much more flexibility on the camera side.

i have an olympus d-490 zoom (which i absolutely LOVE - olympus is quality
stuff) with no usb on the camera, just serial...  so i also have a sandisk
imagemage usb smartcard reader.  it plays nicely with linux, and i like
the convenience - you can leave it hooked up to the computer rather than
having to bother with connecting and disconnecting the camera.

the d490-z is 2.3 megapixel and runs around $250 lately; the imagemate was
about $50.  smartmedia cards are dirt cheap these days - $20 for a 32mb
card (which holds around 75 or 80 1200x1600 jpegs).

(also, i STRONGLY recommend getting a couple sets of rechargeable
batteries and a charger - that way you can always have one set in the
camera and a fully-charged backup set in reserve.  digital cameras eat
batteries like you wouldn't believe.)


lisa lorenzin   |   lorenzin at 1000plus.com   |   http://www.1000plus.com/lisa/
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