Chris Merrill cmerrill at nc.rr.com
Tue Nov 27 22:03:43 EST 2001

Ben Pitzer said:
> Any thoughts on which MTA I should use, and where to find the best
> information on configuration?  I don't want to have to read through 5GB of
> HOWTOs, FAQs, and Manuals only to find out that I could do what I'm trying
> to do with two very simple configuration tricks, or to set it up only to
> find out that I've left a gaping security hole.  Any info would be
> appreciated.  Thanks.

I tried Postfix and had a good experience.  I had similar requirements - 
I wanted something to handle basic mail services for my domain running
on my RH7 box.  I didn't want to spend days becoming an expert and
I wanted it to be secure.  I bought a book (don't have the title handy, but
I can find it) that was very good.  I had Postfix up in running in less than
a day and has been running smoothly ever since.

Chris Merrill
cmerrill at nc.rr.com

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