[TriLUG] OT: Lord of the Rings

Michael S Czeiszperger czei at webperformanceinc.com
Tue Dec 18 12:21:11 EST 2001

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>We actually have had a small bit of success taking him to a movie.
>We went to see Monster's Inc. just before Thanksgiving.  We chose
>a 1 o'clock showing (at the Wynnsong Theater, no less) and
>took him with us.  He watched all the previews and then started
>feeding and then went to sleep.  No trouble at all.  We figured
>that movie was a good choice because it was likely to have 
>a lot of kids in it anyway (although much older ones).  It turned
>out that the kids there were much more noisy than my little one.
>I don't think it would work very well, however, for LoTR.

We tried the same thing with our daughter, and had a big problem with the 
trailers. This was a few months ago, but we went to see a G movie, which I 
figured a ~1 year old could handle, and walked into the theatre just as the 
trailer for The Mummy 2. My then ~year old got a glimpse of an army of 
mummies invading and was scared to death.

- -- 
Michael S Czeiszperger
czei at webperformanceinc.com

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