[TriLUG] GPG Key clarification

Tanner Lovelace lovelace at wayfarer.org
Thu Jan 10 15:48:41 EST 2002

Hi folks,

Just a small clarification on the key exchange for tonight.

I need you to send me your public key, not your key's fingerprint. :-)
If you don't know how to extract your public key, you can do it
like this (shamlessly stolen from an earlier e-mail by Kevin :-)

gpg -a -o [yourname]_pubkey.asc --export [your key ID]

And if you're not sure what your key ID is, here is an example:

If you type gpg --fingerprint you should see something like this:

pub  1024D/DE7639D4 2001-09-25 Tanner Lovelace <lovelace at wayfarer.org>
   Key fingerprint = A66C 8660 924F 5F8C 71DA  BDD0 CE09 4F8E DE76 39D4
sub  1024g/3418E274 2001-09-25 [expires: 2003-03-19]

Notice on the first line, right after "pub" there are two numbers.
The first is the key length/type and the second (after the "/")
is your key ID.  Replace where it says above [your key ID] with
the correct ID for your key. :-)  Then, bring the above
information to tonight's meeting.  I'll take your public key,
use my local program to compute the same information and then
we'll compare to make sure they're the same.

Also, you should probably download my key (see url below or
request it from a keyserver using this command:

gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.de.pgp.net --recv-keys DE7639D4

and once you have it run the following command:

gpg --fingerprint DE7639D4

Take the output of that command, print it out, and bring it
with you tonight so you can verify my information (or, I suppose
I could just bring hard copies to give out...)

Oh, and you also might want to submit your key to a pgp keyserver.
An easy way of doing this would be:

gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.de.pgp.net --send-keys [your key ID]

That way, if anyone wants to find your public key, they can
just search the public keyservers.

Tanner Lovelace | lovelace at wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
GPG Fingerprint = A66C 8660 924F 5F8C 71DA  BDD0 CE09 4F8E DE76 39D4
GPG Key can be found at http://wtl.wayfarer.org/lovelace.gpg.asc
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 order, will lose both and deserve neither.  --  Benjamin Franklin 

 History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times
 of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to 
 endure.  --  Justice Thurgood Marshall, 1989 
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