[TriLUG] log monitoring

Joselito Almario jalmario at intrah.org
Wed Feb 20 09:14:16 EST 2002

I am trying to find a good way to monitor disk usage on my  file server.  I
would like to monitor those files and folders that are getting to big and
see which files are frequnetly accessed.  I am still new to writing bash
scripts, and I am still learning my way through the crontab and doing
cronjobs.  I tried smaller jobs on the crontab but I am not interperting the
time schedule right.  I believe I can get this down in the near future, but
I need a simple interim solution that can give me good comprehensive
monitoring, logs and statistics on the folders (do what du or df do) and
will notify me when things reach X capacity.

Are there any good monitoring tools available that are relatively
maintenance free and don't rely on you knowing how to write shell scripts?

Thanks in advance

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