[TriLUG] Re: Network FS

James Manning trilug at sublogic.com
Tue Apr 16 12:26:46 EDT 2002

[Nathan Conrad]
> I'm looking for some type of file server that I can server from my
> house, and mount on a computer at my school (ECHHS). The deal is that
> there is a IP masquerading firewall at the school, and I believe that
> these are unfriendly to UDP packets. AFS and NFS, the two filesystems
> that I use, seem to require UDP.

depending on your situation, an option would be to stick with your fav
filesystems and just have a tunneling approach so you can get the UDP
packets through.  In my case, I use vtun to tunnel over an ssh connection
and it works great.  There are other tunnelling options available,
of course, even from vtun.

James Manning <jmm at sublogic.com>
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