[TriLUG] SpamAssassin is wonderful...

Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Sun Jun 2 22:11:48 EDT 2002

On Sun, 2002-06-02 at 11:19, Jon Carnes wrote:
> I'm reading the docs for MailScanner, and it seems to be well designed, but 
> the installation requires Sophos (a pay for virus scanner) to be loaded 
> onto the server... Are you paying for the Sophos service or only 
> downloading Sophos for the Virus Signatures?

I'm only using their signatures right now. 

> If it is only using the signatures, then how do I substitute McAfee/Network 
> Associates for Sophos.  I already have a site licence for use of McAfee - 
> so downloading and using those signatures is NBD.

Why, RTFM of course! In the install docs, I found this :
   MailScanner Installation Guide - McAfee

                             MailScanner - McAfee

   The current version of the code assumes that McAfee will be installed
   into /usr/local/mcafee or /opt/mcafee. If you install it elsewhere
   (e.g. /usr/local/uvscan) then you will need to edit the paths at the
   top of the mcafee/autoupdate and mcafee/mcafeewrapper scripts, and
   change the location of mcafeewrapper in the mailscanner.conf file.
   Look out where you install the DAT files for mcafee, as the shipped
   mcafeewrapper script assumes they are installed into
   Other than that, all the code to support McAfee is now in the same
   version of the code as the Sophos support, so all you should need to
   do is ensure that the mailscanner.conf settings "Virus Scanner" and
   "Sweep" are set appropriately.
   Julian Field

--      Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney      --
--  ICQ: 4855069            AIM: ksonney  --
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"I will rule you all with an Iron Fist! You! Obey the fist!" - Zim
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