Gentoo Package Management ( was Re: [TriLUG] Linux on Macs )

Benjamin Reed ranger at
Sun Jul 7 18:23:03 EDT 2002

Ed Warnicke [hagbard at] wrote:
> Have you run across qpkg yet?  

Ahh, no, I have not...

> emerge qpkg
> qpkg let's you make queries about packages ( which package did this file
> come from, what is the meta info on a given package, verify this
> package, etc ).

That was a big part of what I was wondering...  so looks like it does more
than I thought.  =)

> Again, let me know what elements of package management are still missing
> from your point of view.  I'm genuinely curious.

My main issue was the lack of queries...  I've now spent a couple more hours
with it and it seems pretty cool.

Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick (ranger at
"What's the difference between Roy Rogers and Will Rogers?"
"Yeah, that's what I was wondering.  Who the **** is Will Rogers?"
                              -- Sharon and Kelly Osbourne
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