[TriLUG] OT schools

Chris Hedemark chrish at trilug.org
Mon Mar 24 15:02:35 EST 2003

On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 01:50 PM, Merle Watts wrote:

> I think he sent an application to charlotte yesterday.  He's lookin at
> network admin an he's interested in Linux.

Yellow Flag Raised

Not that "Network Administration" and "Linux" are mutually exclusive, 
but they are only slightly related.

If he wants to be a Linux admin, I think you might mean "System 
Administration".  When you say "Network Administration", that more 
typically implies network infrastructure devices, which in most cases 
means "Cisco".

Network Administrators and System Administrators work closely together, 
and in small shops may be the same person, but these are really two 
distinct disciplines.

You may have already known this, and if so, I apologize.  But it was 
worth pointing out if you didn't already know this.
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