[TriLUG] urpmi access to TriLUG mirrors.

Tanner Lovelace lovelace at wayfarer.org
Wed Apr 23 11:16:36 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 09:14, Louis Clotman wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't seem to update via gurpmi using the TriLUG mirror.  I need a
> fellow Mandrake user to verify that my /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg file entry for
> TriLUG is correct.
> TriLUG http://mirrors.trilug.org/Linux/mandrake/Mandrake/9.1/contrib/RPMS {
>   hdlist: hdlist.TriLUG.cz
>   with_hdlist: ../../i586/Mandrake/base/hdlist.cz
>   list: list.TriLUG
>   ignore
>   modified
> }
> If this is wrong, could someone post the correct urpmi.cfg entry or the
> urpmi.addmedia command for TriLUG. Also, do I need to include my email
> address and TriLUG membership number to authenticate successfully?
> Thanks,
> Louis Clotman

Hi Louis,

Your setup looks right except for one thing.  The http mirrors
are setup password protected.  The e-mail address you gave when
you signed up for trilug membership is the username and your
TriLUG memebership number is the password.  For urpmi to work
correctly, you'll need to encode those into the url.  There's
another twist, though.  Generally encoding the username/password
in the url is done like this: http://username:pass@hostname/path/
But, since the username already has an '@' in it, you have to do
something else.  It's not well known, but you used to be able to
route your e-mail by specifying the address like this:
username%host at specific.host.  That would send an e-mail to username at host
but go through specific.host first.  You can't really do that today
because of closed relays, but you can use the concept for encoding
your username in a url.  So, what you'll need to do is this.

1. Remove the current entry: urpmi.removemedia <medianame>
2. Add the new entry:
   urpmi.addmedia trilug
http://email%host:membernumber@mirrors.trilug.org/... with

Oh, also note that in your example, you're trying to setup
the Mandrake contrib rpms.  Unfortunately, you've specified
the hdlist.cz files for the main distro.  The contrib section
uses hdlist2.cz.

If you have more questions, let me know.

P.S. You *might* have to specifically specify that urpmi use
wget instead of curl, but I think it should work.  If it doesn't,
try adding "--wget" to your command line.
Tanner Lovelace | lovelace(at)wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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