[TriLUG] OT: legacy 16bit DOS programs on Win2k

Chris Hedemark chrish at trilug.org
Thu May 1 13:36:15 EDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday, May 1, 2003, at 01:00 PM, Michael Thompson wrote:

> There have been many OS X questions on this list as well:

I've been guilty of this, as well, but it is worth pointing out (again) 
the Hard Cider mailing list ( 
http://hardcider.org/mailman/listinfo/hardcider ) is made up almost 
exclusively of TriLUG people that are also OS X enthusiasts.

Is OS X on-topic?  Probably not.  Not unless the poster is trying to 
compare/contrast how Linux & OS X do things.

> After
> all, O$ X is NOT free software, or even open-source.

Well that is not entirely true.

OS X, as a product, is not open source or free in any sense of the word.

However, OS X is Darwin with some proprietary extensions.  Darwin is 
free & Open Source, and is as on-topic here as Linux or FreeBSD (the 
TriLUG charter doesn't restrict us to just Linux... other open source 
platforms are also on-topic).

So to the extent that we're talking about the parts of OS X that are 
also in Darwin, it could be argued that we're still on-topic.

Windows is just plain proprietary, though.

> I'm sure Ryan never expected the Spanish inquisition.  Of course,
> "Noooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!"

Or the Catalan Inquisition, for that matter. ;-)
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