[TriLUG] How can I send mail without a client ?

Corey Mutter mutterc at nc.rr.com
Tue Jun 24 22:02:33 EDT 2003

If you're looking to email out stuff from syslog, try the "logcheck" package.
Debian systems install it by default.
It emails you everything from your syslog that you don't tell it to 
ignore (if you're as paranoid as I; it can also be configured to only report
specific things). It divides syslog messages into "unusual system events", 
"possible security violations" and "ACTIVE SYSTEM ATTACK" based on
regexp patterns you can configure. 

e.g. I have it ignore messages from my WAP that say "Wireless PC connected"
but only if they have my laptop's MAC. It also ignores the usual FreeS/WAN
messages when my laptop VPNs in through the wireless, but will not ignore
when someone VPNs in from outside (even if they're authorized, it's nice to
know about it). 

I get a few emails a day from it, and, in return, get kept up-to-date on 
what my server is doing.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 03:52:57PM -0400, Ryan Leathers wrote:
> I would like to send emails based on events in logs and so on.
> I have no trouble selecting events in an automated way.
> I bet I can also format text to conform to some convention.
> This needs to be unattended - automatic - magic.
> What is a simple way to send this email without writing code?
> What do non-programmers use to solve this kind of thing?
> Telnet to port 25 of some mail server?
> -- 
> Ryan Leathers <ryan.leathers at globalknowledge.com>
> Global Knowledge

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