[TriLUG] Request for RTCW ET Server

Chris Knowles chrisk at trilug.org
Thu Jun 26 14:47:26 EDT 2003

Wow.  And that's exactly the sort of thing that solves the SC's quandry.

Thanks Sean.  

(And I promise not to shoot you next time we BZ.)

We'd be happy to make rtcw.trilug.org point at your server, for
convenience.  just send an e-mail to steering with the IP.  

Also, a note to those wanting services.  The easiest way to get what you
want is to take as much of it on yourself as you can.  

(For the record, we're pretty certain I wasn't on the SC when BZ came
about.  I offered, gave some numbers from my expereince running one, and
then set it all up.  It was back when BZ was pretty much the only cool
multiplayer game for Linux.)


On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 14:35, Sean Murphy wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 14:16, Magnus wrote:
> > On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 01:57 PM, Jon Carnes wrote:
> > 
> > > BTW: I would be glad to run such a server, but I'm a dynamic IP guy...
> > 
> > dyndns.org is your friend.
> > 
> I'm willing to try running a server localy but if bandwidth gets out of
> hand i will have to stop. 
> I'll let you know when it's up but it should be by the end of the day.
Chris Knowles <chrisk at trilug.org>

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