[TriLUG] Open Source CRM

Mark R. Hinkle mrhinkle at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 7 21:20:55 EDT 2003


I am not sure what your needs are but I use Perldesk(
http://www.perldesk.com/) for my
and it works well, it has the ability to set up groups and rules to handle
sales and technical support emails. Customer logging etc. However, if your
needs are more PIM oriented. Evolution(www.ximian.com) works okay and like
Jim suggested Win4Lin running Act! is pretty good.

There was a time I wouldn't have considered non-commercial CRM but I have
found Perldesk works very good for me. We do a couple thousand contacts a
month through ours with no problem.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: trilug-admin at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-admin at trilug.org]On Behalf Of
Joshua Bedick
  Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 6:47 PM
  To: Trilug Discussion
  Subject: [TriLUG] Open Source CRM


  I'm making the switch from windows to OSS/Linux and need to find a good
contact management system.  I'm currently using Goldmine.

  I don't mind paying for it, but I would like it to be at least a little
configurable and support multiple users.  I also don't want to have to
program it myself or spend lots of time setting it up.  I know tall order.
Anyone have any recommendations for a single person/small office CRM
product?  Any recommendations for replacements to products like Microsoft's
CRM product (small-medium office CRM)?



  Joshua Bedick
  Integrated Technology, Inc.
  joshua at gratedtech.com
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