[TriLUG] Out of town members, and an update from one

Jos Purvis purvis at melete.org
Mon Oct 13 19:49:34 EDT 2003

On Fre, 10 Okt 2003, Mark Abreu wrote:

> Any other regular long-distance members?

	OK, so I'm a little late.  :)  Just to chime in on this one, I still
maintain a lurking presence on this list, despite having moved to Los Angeles
a couple of years ago.  It's a terrific resource, and from my time spent as a
member attending meetings during the formation of this group, it's wonderful
to see so many familiar names still popping up in my mail folder, even if I
don't always get to read posts as often as I'd like.
	So yes, it's perfectly possible, as others have pointed out.  :)

	For those who might be interested, I seem to have helped pen a book on
Linux security through SANS, which you can now buy through Amazon/BN/etc.--I look
forward to whatever comments people would like to pass my way about it as we
start on version 2.0 of it...
	If any of you pass this direction (or are thinking of moving out--my
company's hiring a couple of security people!), drop me a line and we can at
least catch a beer or something!

Securing Linux:  A Survival Guide for Linux Security
	David Koconis, Jim Murrary, Jos Purvis, Darrin Wassom
	ISBN: 097242735X



/  Jos Purvis (purvis at melete.org) ||  Yet Another Security Geek  \
| I just can't haiku / I can never remember / how many...MY EYE! |
|     -- Mike Sphar, demonstrating his poetic abilities in SDM   |

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