[TriLUG] rc.X -- how do the real sysadmins do it?

James Manning jmm at sublogic.com
Wed Dec 3 10:28:28 EST 2003

> On some systems  it is common to have all the scripts in /etc/init.d 
> and just have links in /etc/rc?.d. So to remove something just remove 
> the link in /etc/rc?.d, but not the original in /etc/init.d. This give 
> you the ability to start/stop manually but not when changing run 
> levels.

I'm kinda curious - on which Linux-based systems is this not the case?
I ask only because my experience is limited to Debian and RHL kinds of
distros (well, outside of SLS and Slackware way back in the day, but
I've forgotten all that now) which do the symlink thing so I'm curious

The symlinks are important since the name of the symlink determines
the start-up order (that parallel-start init would be nice with its
"better" dependencies).  I miss RHL's chkconfig on my Debian systems
for that reason - nothing about the service "knows" which number it
should start/stop at, so while update-rc.d with "defaults" as the
param is usually ok, it's not an always-works kind of thing like
"chkconfig foo on" would be.

James Manning <http://www.sublogic.com/james/>
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