[TriLUG] redhat 2.1 chown problem

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Thu Mar 18 13:01:07 EST 2004

On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 11:47, Marvin Blackburn wrote:
> I have a directory
> 775 /u01/app/oracle/jomarmgr/jcust/users with jomarmgr:jomarmgr ownership.
> a file exists in directory FILEA with with 644 jomarmgr:jomarmgr ownership.
> I try to change ownership from jomarmgr to perltest
> I get "Operation not permitted".
> It turns out that it appears that root is the only user allowed to change
> ownerships.
> I have tried putting the perltest user in the jomarmgr group and the
> jomarmgr user in
> the perl test group and reboot -- but this still doesnt work.
> Any ideas?
> ------------------
> Marvin Blackburn

I tested on my system running RH9.1 and this worked fine:


cd test
touch y
chown jonc y; chgrp dan y
ls -l
   -rw-r--r--    1 jonc     dan        0 Mar 18 12:36 y

vi /etc/group


chgrp jonc y
ls -l
   -rw-r--r--    1 jonc     jonc       0 Mar 18 12:36 y

chgrp dan y
chgrp: changing group of `y': Operation not permitted


So you can gobble up files and give them your own group, but it looks
like it won't let you change group to another user - even though you
have rights to that users group.


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