[TriLUG] Tuxscreen Enthusiasts: JTAG Dongle?

Jeff Tickle jtickle at jtsoft.net
Mon Mar 22 16:16:05 EST 2004

Hey all...

I've been sitting on a bricked TuxScreen (http://www.tuxscreen.org) for
almost a year now, and I'm suddenly feeling energetic about blowing the
dust off and playing with it again.  If anyone reading this list has a
JTAG dongle, I'd sure appreciate the use of it.  Obviously I just need
to get it flashed so it'll boot and I can install some Linux on it.

So if anyone can help me out, perhaps we can get together at the next
meeting and flash after the presentation.  Or if no one here has one but
you know of someone who does, please let me know ;-)

I was going to build one myself, but as far as I can see, you can only
get the little chip in quantities of like 3000 for somethign along the
lines of $0.50 each, and I don't really want to spend that much money
for one dongle.

Thanks in advance!
Jeff Tickle <jtickle at jtsoft.net>

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