Controversial topic (was Re: [TriLUG] Tonight's talk - Linux Backup Strategies)

Tanner Lovelace lovelace at
Fri May 14 09:41:14 EDT 2004

Jim Ray said the following on 5/14/04 8:48 AM:

> Good job, Jason and Jeremy!  It was nice to see some familiar faces and to
> match some other faces to names at my first TriLUG meeting.
> Tanner, don't worry.  I wasn't trying to cut in line for pizza.  I had
> dinner (good ole grilled bbq pig with a cold brew ha ha) with my family
> prior to meeting.  I was looking for another chair.
> Next time, me thinks I'll get there early.
> Voting was tough last night.  All the candidates looked good.  Congrats to
> the new SC.
> Regards,
> Jim

Don't worry, Jim.  That thought hadn't even crossed my mind.  Your
point about chairs is well taken, though.  We are starting to show
signs of straining the resources (i.e. the number of chairs) in our
current meeting location.  While I love our current meeting location
and I know how hard it can be to find a good one, should we as a LUG
perhaps be looking towards the future and start looking around for a
bigger spot early rather than later?  I quail at the thought of
potentially leaving RTI, but if we keep growing like we have been
it isn't going to be too long until it starts getting really packed
in there.


Tanner Lovelace       | Don't move! Or I'll fill ya full of... little
lovelace at | yellow bolts of light! - Commander John Crichton

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