[TriLUG] down, but not^h^h^h defeated

David Rasch rasch at raschnet.com
Fri Aug 13 11:27:27 EDT 2004

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 11:09:59AM -0400, Greg Brown <gregbrown at mindspring.com> wrote:
> For no reason other than I didn't set the thing up in the first place 
> and the I'm now just having to deal with it.
> Can someone PLEASE explain to me WHY CentOS WILL NOT allow you to set a 
> hostname then obtain the domain information from DNS?
> Here's now it works (and it does work, I've tested it) under RH 7.1:
> 1. install
> 2. set hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network (do not put domain info, just 
> hostname)
> 3. plug machine into network
> 4. reboot
> 5. rejoice, vtcmail.gc.lucent.com is resolvable by other machines
> Do the same thing with CentOS.. doesn't work.  Set the hostname after 
> reading the hostname man page.. doesn't work.
> NOTHING works!
> BAH!!!

I believe this is a result of your DHCP server dynamically adding your
hostname to the gc.lucent.com domain.  You should look in your dhcp
client on CentOS to make sure it's passing your hostname to the DHCP
server.   Check the local man page for your dhcp client.

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