[TriLUG] OT: Cold Fusion and MSSQL Hosting

Tarus Balog tarus at opennms.org
Thu Aug 26 14:57:39 EDT 2004

On Aug 26, 2004, at 2:10 PM, Mike M wrote:

> If you're "friend" just wants functionality and no reliability then
> shop price.

The issue they have is that this application has been around for about  
four years. They are on a shared hosting platform and lately they have  
been experiencing performance hits.

This is for an e-commerce site, and while they don't make enough money  
from the site to dump a lot into it, they make enough to warrant  
keeping it around.

The main problem is that their SSL certificate expires in a month. So  
they need to make the decision to change or not change soon - too soon  
to migrate the application to another platform.

However, once they purchase their certificate, they plan to spend the  
next year migrating the app away from Cold Fusion.

Thus the immediate need is for reliability at a good price, and since  
Cold Fusion and SQL Server are out of my realm of knowledge I was  
looking for someone who might say "Hey, I know of this company that is  
pretty cool and affordable too".


Tarus Balog, OpenNMS Maintainer			Main:		+1 919 545 2553
Blast Internet Services, Inc.			Fax:			+1 503-961-7746
Email: tarus at opennms.org				URL: http://www2.blast.com/tarus
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