[TriLUG] document plug ins/apps?

linux r linuxr at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 16:23:23 EDT 2004


I have some silly questions.  I am new to the list.  

Does anyone know of a good open source pdf CREATOR type app that runs
over Fedora and/or possibly integrates with Ooo?  So far I have used
the viewers but that is all.  I want to create clean, new pdf's for
job and a few other purposes.  I would prefer to forego the company
logo/ad and licensing crap.

On a winblows box I once used the one at     http://www.win2pdf.com/    

>Also on that site:
> Q.   Is it legal to create PDF files with Win2PDF?
>Yes. Adobe Systems Inc. created the PDF file format and owns the
copyrights on the data >structures, operators, and written
specification for PDF. Adobe wishes to make PDF an open >standard, so
they have given permission to anyone to write software that creates
PDF files. >They have also given royalty free licenses to the patents
if used to create PDF files.

Huh?  'open standard'?  Trying to sound like 'open source' maybe?  

win2pdf puts their link at the bottom of each page along with a
'non-commercial use only' thing.  Is is possible to make pdf's without
buying the relatively expensive license from adobe, for something I
use relatively occasionally?



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