[TriLUG] antique RedHat box sets for free

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Fri Dec 3 07:22:59 EST 2004

On Thursday 02 December 2004 04:46 pm, Christopher L Merrill wrote:
> Cleaning out our offices...we have box sets for:
> - 5.2

RH5.2 was SWEET! Almost bug free, tiny footprint (by today's standards). If 
the box is standalone, and not connected to any network, then security isn't 
an issue, and 5.2 is excellent for memory, CPU and disk starved handmedown 

I have the ISO, so I can make myself a copy at will, but I'd highly recommend 
it for others.


Steve Litt
Founder and acting president: GoLUG

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