[TriLUG] Recommendations for digital recording software

Joel Ebel jbebel at ncsu.edu
Mon Jan 10 14:56:04 EST 2005

Tell us a little more about what the project is.  How important is 
quality of audio?  What kind of sound card are you using for input?  Do 
you have mic pre-amps, or will you just be using a mic input on a cheap 
sound card?

If you're interested in sound cards, the Delta 1010LT has a great built 
in pre-amp, or you can use a Delta 44 or 66 with the Omni I/O module. 
If you already have an external pre-amp, any of the Deltas work great, 
and the they have excellent Linux support.  I'm using the Delta 66 with 
a webcast I previously mentioned on this list.


Matt Frye wrote:
> Thanks for the info.  I'll take a look at Audacity and let everyone
> know how it goes down.  We're doing the first session this coming
> Saturday.  Incidentally, any recommendations on a decent mic for the
> same project?

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