[TriLUG] Red Hat "like" Distro

Brent Verner brent at rcfile.org
Mon Feb 21 14:21:03 EST 2005

[2005-02-21 13:58] David McDowell said:

| both out anywhere I want to b/c I am an end user.  CentOS has to
| remove Red Hat's name and links from their website, so they will now
| be referred to as a Predominate North American Enterprise Linux
| Vendor.

	It is my opinion, and far from a legal one ;-), that this move
is overly extreme.  I _believe_ they would be covered if they
took the approach that the WBL group has taken.  Surely, WBL has
been on Redhat's radar and there was no stink raised around their
(seemingly legal) use of the Redhat trademark when describing
(and in a dissociative manner) product.

	I just hate to see people taking cheap jabs at some(one|thing)
doing the right thing.  Sure, a lot of people "felt" put-off
when Redhat went Enterprise, but it is sufficient protest to
_not buy their Enterprise product_ if you don't like the
terms of use.

my $.02

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