[TriLUG] Newly generated gpg keys

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Mon May 15 16:46:17 EDT 2006

On 5/15/06, Alan Porter <porter at trilug.org> wrote:

> KO> Right.  That GPG magic is:
> KO>
> KO> $ gpg --fingerprint keyID
> I am still missing something.  Where exactly does "gpg" on dargo
> go to find Joseph Tate's key?
>    [porter at dargo porter]$ gpg --fingerprint B5B05C42
>    gpg: error reading key: public key not found
> Or, specifying a well-known keyserver...
>    [porter at dargo porter]$ gpg --fingerprint --keyserver \
>                           subkeys.pgp.net B5B05C42
>    gpg: error reading key: public key not found

Well it works for me:

$ gpg --fingerprint --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net B5B05C42
pub   1024D/B5B05C42 2003-07-03
      Key fingerprint = 070B 11E7 0D6A 99C2 466E  A62D 20A0 B12D B5B0 5C42
uid                  Joseph Tate <jtate at dragonstrider.com>
uid                  Joseph Tate (main dragonstrider.com key)
<jtate at dragonstrider.com>
uid                  Joseph Tate (Mi-Co) <jtate at dragonstrider.com>
sub   1024g/1F6A1EF4 2003-07-03 [expires: 2006-07-02]

In theory, that B5B05C42 uniquely indentifies Joseph's key.

So why isn't it working in practice.  Perhaps gpg on dargo isn't
interpreting B... as a hex value, you might try

gpg --fingerprint 0xB5B05C42

which is actually the spec, begging the question of why it works on my
machine, perhaps it's because I've already got Joseph's key on my
Rick DeNatale

IPMS/USA Region 12 Coordinator

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