[TriLUG] The thin line...

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 16:48:08 EDT 2006

I know that we've got members who consider themselves sysadmins, and
others who consider themselves programmers.

I'm curious about how much overlap in tools there is between these two

So for the sysadmins among us how many of you are using any of the
following to do sysadmin tasks.  I'm talking here about managing your
scripts and configuration files, not using these tools to get or
install software from source:

1) make (or less likely perhaps, ant or rake)
2) A configuration management/repository system like cvs or subversion.

And on a scale of 0 (don't use it at all) through 1 (pure programming
language) to 10 (pure scripting language) where do you put your use of
these languages?

    bash or your favorite shell
    COBOL <G>


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