[TriLUG] Thinkpad T60 opinions?

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Tue Oct 24 15:29:46 EDT 2006

I have the T43 (predecessor to the T60) and have a similar config to yours. I've 
had no problems with my dual boot XP/FC5 setup. I would recommend it. I have a 
collegue at work that uses a T60 running RHEL4 WS and he says it works fine.

  If you have the Intel 2200 wireless, you can simply follow the instr on 
ipw2200.sf.net to get it work. I'm also running the ATI binary driver from 
www.ati.com with no problems. I run UT2004, UO AoS 3D, and am working on Anarchy 
  Online now. 3D works great!


clay at crazyclay.org wrote:
> I personally like the T60. I have one for my company laptop, and I installed Gentoo on it right out of 
> the box... I've only had a few problems with it, but mostly just had to search for drivers since some 
> of the hardware seems to be new... wasn't hard to find though... Oh well... I wouldnt waste the money 
> buying the preloaded one.... just my opinion though... good luck in your search for a new laptop :)
> -Clay
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 12:43:54PM -0400, Jim Tuttle wrote:
>>I'm looking for a new laptop and think I'll probably get a Thinkpad T60.
>> I was wondering if anyone here had any comments or recommendations for
>>or against.  Whatever I get, I'll shrink the ntfs partition down and
>>install Ubuntu so Linux compatibility is important.  In fact, I see that
>>you can get Suse pre-loaded.  Of course, it costs about twice as much
>>that way!
>>The actual configuration I'm considering is at
>>http://www.trilug.org/~jjtuttle/thinkpad-t60.pdf if anyone cares to look.
>>---Jim Tuttle
>>url: http://www.prairienet.org/~jtuttle/
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