[TriLUG] Triangle Open Source Lab meeting 5/24 from 7 PM until 9 PM - RSVP

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Wed May 16 11:46:39 EDT 2007

On 5/16/07, Steve Litt <slitt at troubleshooters.com> wrote:
> Most Orlando LUGs have a "meeting after the meeting" at a restaurant, where
> several of us brag and bs, after which talk veers off into wide ranging
> topics, often non-geek.

TriLUG has never had this, mainly because we provide free pizza during
our meetings so there's no reason to go to a restaurant afterwards.

For a while, though, some people went to a local bar afterwards for a
"Tri-Chug" meeting.  That hasn't happened in a while, though.

> Then there's the "meeting after the meeting after the
> meeting" in the restaurant's parking lot, where the bs somehow returns to
> Geek topics. People slowly drift away from the "meeting after the meeting
> after the meeting", and generally when the number gets down to 3, the thing
> disbands, although I've participated right down to 2.

This happened a lot at TriLUG's old meeting space in RTP.  It happens
some at our current meeting space at Red Hat, but there isn't quite a
central location in the parking lot that's obvious for people to stop and
chat as there was in RTP.  Or perhaps most people just want to get home?

I'd also like to see more regular TriLUG lunches start happening.  Perhaps
we ought to designate one day, say Tuesday, each week and say the
first Tuesday of each month is the TriLUG RTP lunch, the second is the
TriLUG Cary Lunch, the 3rd is the TriLUG Raleigh lunch and the 4th is
the TriLUG north Raleigh lunch.  That way people could go to whatever
their local TriLUG lunch is and it would be on a regular schedule.
Thoughts?  Suggestions?


Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.

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