[TriLUG] Immediate Need! Linux/Unix SysAdmin Job Opportunity

David A. Cafaro dac at trilug.org
Thu May 31 11:58:40 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 11:44 -0400, Magnus wrote:
> Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > Speaking for myself only, I'm not sure we should be overly hospitable to 
> > job postings from out of state...  There are many good places for those..
> +1
> Even out-of-town (like Charlotte) should probably be somewhere else.
> This is, after all, the TRIANGLE Linux Users Group.


How many people on the TriLUG list are not living locally in the
Triangle?  I'm sure there are several who joined TriLUG, got a job out
of town and moved (me being an example).  You never know when a job
posted to the list might be your dream job, even if it isn't local.

I'll admit, I've recently posted an opening for a Job located up here in
Virginia.  I got a couple of interested people from NC who asked about
it as well.  So I think it would be a bad idea to limit job posts by
geography.  As long as they are relevant to the audience (some tie to
Linux and OpenSource), I think the minimal bandwidth used is out weighed
by their potential (pay check).


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