[TriLUG] Lightweight CMS' for business

Matt Pusateri mpusateri at wickedtrails.com
Mon Jul 2 14:56:29 EDT 2007

If you take the Joomla admin demo, you'll see it's pretty simple.  I 
can't imagine you would wan't something less than Joomla, especially 
given that you might want to do ecommerce one day.  Drupal's learning 
curve is a lot less with version 5 than it was version 4.  Joomla seems 
to light for my tastes.  But how light can you get and still have a 
CMS?  Look at Plone then all the other won't seem so heavy

Matt P.

Roy Vestal wrote:
> I'm looking for opinions for a lightweight CMS for a business I am 
> starting. It will be a service oriented business, and maybe one day, 
> we'll be using online sales.
> I've looked at Joomla, Drupal, Etomite and even Wordpress. Wordpress 
> isn't it, and the others are a little "thick".
> Any Suggestions?
> ---------------------------------
> Roy Vestal
>   .-.
>   /v\    L   I   N   U   X
>  // \\  >Phear the Penguin<
> /(   )\
>  ^^-^^

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