[TriLUG] Centos command line question

Mike Norwood norwoodm at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 12 12:06:05 EDT 2007


I have a bit of command line weirdness that I wondered if anyone else 
could verify for me.  I have a machine we just loaded with Centos 5.0 and 
from the console it appears that the setterm command will not turn on bold 
lettering as in "setterm -bold on".  This command does not change 
anything, but SHOULD make the text appear bright and shiny (bolder). I did 
check the linux terminfo with infocmp and it looks to have the same entry 
for bold as other machines that do work.  

I only have this problem directly on the command line console. From a 
terminal window I can use this command and it will change the text and 
also if I ssh in from another machine it will work.  

Thanks in advance for any ideas, Mike N.

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