[TriLUG] mysql question

Jeffery Painter jeff_painter at ncsu.edu
Sat Aug 18 23:06:22 EDT 2007

Did you reload the 'mysql' database from the backup as well? I believe the
USER table columns may have changed in the different versions of the
mysql,  specifically stuff related to digital cert signing, or something
like that...

For this type of an upgrade, it was best to manually recreate the user
accounts in the newer version of mysql once you recreate your other
databases. Maybe google for user migration... someone has probably written
a script to help out with this sort of thing.

good luck!

Jeff Painter

> I am migrating from an old webserver to a newone. I'm having issues with
> migrating my data. My old db is mysql 4.1.20 to 5.0.41. I think I've
> done a simple full db dump:
>     mysqldump > my_databases.sql
> Then on the new server I did a simple import:
>     mysql < my_databases.sql
> However, when I try to connect with the correct username and password, I
> get told I don't have permission. Curious what did I miss?
> TIA,
> Roy

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