[TriLUG] Getting sound to work in WINE

Douglas A. Whitfield whitdoug at email.unc.edu
Wed Nov 7 18:20:30 EST 2007

WINE = 0.9.46
Ubuntu = Gutsy

I meant to put in the program, but my network connection went down and
it wasn't in the saved draft, apparently.

PandoraFM does not work in Gutsy (nor Feisty before it).  PandoraFM is
Pandora within a Last.fm frame.  Pandora proper doesn't exactly work
either.  What happens is that the URL title does not change in the
browser.  It doesn't matter the browser I use: Firefox, Galeon, Opera
have all been tried.  Under WINE, Pandora does work correctly in
Firefox...I just can't hear it.


On Nov 7, 2007 4:17 PM, Roy Vestal <rvestal at trilug.org> wrote:
> I'm assuming a recent distro and a recent version of wine?
> What program?
> What I've done is use the ies4linux install since they've done a lot of
> the leg work for you. I use it to run Ultima Online, Anarchy Online, etc.

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