[TriLUG] TWCNC in Durham alternatives [WAS: time warner business class]

Cristóbal Palmer cristobalpalmer at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 23:40:00 EST 2007

On Nov 27, 2007 5:03 PM, Brian Henning <Brian.Henning at datadirect.com> wrote:
> On that note, anyone in the area subscribe to the residential "Turbo" RR
> service?  I do, and have never seen as much as 5mbps on this supposedly
> [best-effort] 8mbps line..  The customer service representative (located
> in Canada) could not escalate my service call since my traceroute RTTs
> were within spec (and wasn't prepared to understand that round-trip time
> has only marginal relation to bandwidth).

I'm right there with you. I've got it at an apartment in Carrboro and
the best I get is about 5.6 down.

> I'm eager for alternatives.  This is, of course, residential class and
> not business class, and I'd like, if possible, to stay in the
> residential $50 price-range.

I actually tried calling to see if they'd sell me a business class
package at an apartment. They wouldn't. If an apartment complex around
here advertised fibre I'd move in a heartbeat.

Cristóbal M. Palmer
celebrating 15 years of sunsite/metalab/ibiblio:

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