[TriLUG] job posting?

sholton at mindspring.com sholton at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 6 15:23:04 EST 2007

I agree for the most part.
The cost of hitting delete for every job I'm /not/ interested-in is
far outweighed by the opportunity someone else might benefit.

For that reason, I'd recommend against splitting the list. 

My suggestion was to make a job posting to this list easier for
both those who are interested and those who aren't: If it's a
Triangle job, but not a Linux job, or a non-triangle, but Linux-
related job, a note in the subject would be helpful.

Which would mean a job like this would read:
  "Non-triangle and Non-linux job posting"

Okay for now, but I'd just hate to see the list dominated by messages like:
  "Help with a (Non-triangle, Non-linux, Non-User group) question..."

sholton at mindspring.com
Innovation is a wildflower. You cannot choose where it will blossom; you can only choose where it will not.

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