[TriLUG] Catalyst framework

Lance A. Brown lance at bearcircle.net
Thu Jan 31 12:12:22 EST 2008

Owen wrote:
> Thanks, Mike. And if I didn't *have* to work in Perl ...??
> What are the negative things people say? All I've seen so far is the
> complexity of the installation due to the number of modules.

I just recently started using Catalyst, moving away from 
CGI::Application.  I've been using C::A for several years and switched 
to Catalyst to get some of the built-in features such as login/logout 
management, etc.

The biggest hurdle I've faced is the large number of module 
dependencies, and it seems like just about every Catalyst addon or 
plugin module I start using brings its own set of additional perl module 
dependencies.  These issues are being addressed by the introduction of 
CPAN Tasks that cover the modules needed for a base Catalyst install.

Once I got my head wrapped around how Catalyst works I found it to be 
very useful.


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