[TriLUG] symbolic links and rsync

James Tuttle jjtuttle at trilug.org
Sat Mar 15 13:17:59 EDT 2008

Hi Paul,

I should have included the script.  I'll look into l.  Thanks!

#  Bilateral synchronization between laptop and desktop using rsync over

# Desktop to laptop

# sync remote documents to localhost
rsync -auzvv --copy-links --human-readable  --update --partial -e "ssh
-l jjtuttle" jjtuttle at zulu:/home/jjtuttle/Documents/work/

# sync desktop documents to laptop deleting files on laptop that were
deleted on desktop.  Danger!
#rsync -auzvv --copy-links --human-readable --update --partial
--delete-during -e "ssh -l jjtuttle"
jjtuttle at zulu:/home/jjtuttle/Documents/work/ /home/jjtuttle/Documents/work &

# Laptop to desktop

# sync local documents to remote host
rsync -auzvv --copy-links --human-readable --update --partial -e "ssh -l
jjtuttle" /home/jjtuttle/Documents/work/
jjtuttle at zulu:/home/jjtuttle/Documents/work

# sync laptop documents to desktop deleting files on desktop that were
deleted on laptop. Danger!
#rsync -auzvv --copy-links --human-readable --partial
--update--delete-during -e "ssh -l jjtuttle"
/home/jjtuttle/Documents/work/ jjtuttle at zulu:/home/jjtuttle/Documents/work &

# alert user
zenity --info --text "Laptop sync completed."

Paul McLanahan wrote:
> Are you using -l in your rsync script (it's implied in -a)? That
> should preserve links as links.
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 9:44 AM, James Tuttle <jjtuttle at trilug.org> wrote:
>>  However, in addition to my desktop, I have a Solaris zone on which I
>>  keep a bunch of scripts.  So, in the home directory of my desktop I
>>  created a mount point and mount the scripts directory on my zone via
>>  Samba.  That works fine until I run the rsync process from my laptop.
>>  It seems that the symbolic link gets overwritten with a static directory
>>  and any changes to scripts in that directory no longer propagate to the
>>  zone.

---Jim Tuttle
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x69B69B08

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